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Sap Sd Tutorials: Sales Kitting Procedure

Product kitting, as well called production bundling inwards about software systems, is an inventory management term that refers to the procedure of combining unmarried items into 1 unit for sale. When a kitted item is purchased, the inventory arrangement automatically links each unmarried detail to the sale. Goods sold both by the piece in addition to equally part of as a ready, subscription box products, and products assembled on gild all are examples of kitting inwards activeness.

There are two scenarios:
Depending on the number of parts inside kit together with stock situation. You should be able to brand a determination.

1. Using product gild procedure:
Create Material primary alongside MRP sentiment and WS persuasion for the kit
Create nib of textile for Kit ( Items are kit parts) - Usage - Production(preferably)
Then you lot tin can function normal product club process(Goods result together with Good reciept of kits)
If required role the labour hours and confirm the fourth dimension. Orelse entirely inventory transactions.
You can design the total process from planning till delivery.
The following customization is required to be done for setting WM-PP interface. This customization is for production society scenario.

step1 : SPRO - LE-Warehouse managment-Interfaces-Define Production.

Set upward the production scheduling profile past copying the touchstone prod. scheduling profile. I have created Z00002 hither. In the production scheduling below setting is to live done past changing the default 1. This prod.scheduling profile volition further be linked to the textile principal.
Select one if y'all desire immediate Transfer order to live created upon unloose of product guild.
With this setting ,once y'all liberate the product order ,a Transfer requirement too a Transfer society will be created.The transfer lodge can be used equally a choice list to pick the child components.

Save as well as go dorsum to the PP interface main carte.In the whse management button sentiment select the PP interface active

Step iii
Save too become back to the PP interface principal carte du jour. In the Replenishment campaign type tab assign mvt 319 equally replenishment crusade to storage type 100.

Step iv
Once this is done ,you ask to maintain chief information
1)Material chief
In the Material main ,in the go scheduling profile view ,hold the production scheduling profile , that you lot before created .This is required for child components only.Parent textile need not have it as it is not going to be staged.

two)Production provide surface area: Use transaction PK05 to hold product render area.
iii)Control cycle: Maintain command bike using transaction LPK1. Inside the control wheel banker's bill the below settings to be done.
You tin can either specify a fixed bin yous have created inwards the production storage type 100. 
(This is to differentiate the textile existence staged onto unlike lines if it is a amnufacturing site.) Since inwards our instance it is not a regular manufacturing site , we can role a dynamic bin which is actually the production order number.When dynamic bin is ticked , actual storage bin is not required to live entered.

From PP side you will ask to keep the next primary information
ane) Work center - Use Tcode CR01
two)Routing -Use Tcode CA01. Routing captures the work heart for the bring up ingredient
3)Production BOM -Use Tcode CS01.
Steps for executing the Production gild scenario-
ane)Once y'all have a customer social club , a product society is created for the quantity required using CO01.
2) Release the production gild with transaction CO02.
three)Once the production gild is released ,it volition make Transfer society inwards the dorsum earth for the kid components. The destination bin will be a dynamic bin inwards storage type 100.
iv)Once the items are picked and brought to the assembly area ,confirm the Transfer society.
5)Do a goods receipt for the raise element alongside CO11n.This will swallow the kid components(mvt 261 ) in addition to produce parent constituent (mvt 101)
A transfer social club will live created for the parent factor for place away.
6)This bring up components tin can live directly picked for the customer club using normal delivery.

2. Using sales club.
Create Material is same equally above.
Bill of cloth is same every bit above but Usage is SALES.
Explode the bill of fabric in Sales society, using the correct detail category.
Then decide depending on the process whether you lot want to deliver parts of kits or Kit itself.
You can impress the office of kits in delivery banknote convienently.

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